Looking Glass Survey 2024

Thank you for your interest in taking part in this survey.


The Looking Glass survey is an important piece of research that allows the Film and TV Charity, and the industry overall, to understand the mental health and wellbeing challenges of people working behind the scenes in film, TV and cinema. The current survey is 5 years on from the first Looking Glass survey which led to the Charity launching a range of support services to improve mental health across the industry. Your voice is needed to help us understand the current situation, whether and how things have changed, and ‒ ultimately ‒ to help create healthier workplaces that allow the industry to thrive.

The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete and will include a number of questions relating to your mental wellbeing. This will cover your experiences of working in the industry, workplace influences on your wellbeing, the working culture and your mental health in general.

Before you start there are a few things we want you to know:

Who can take part?

Anyone who works behind the scenes in film, TV and cinema in the UK is eligible to take part, whether you are a freelancer or a permanent employee. This includes people working in roles throughout the production and exhibition value chain (across all levels of seniority), as well as people in corporate services roles such as sales, marketing, and support offices such as HR and legal.


All responses to the survey are collected on an anonymous basis and any information you provide will be treated as confidential. Responses to the survey will be used only for the purposes of this research and related projects, run with not-for-profit partners. We never sell data to third parties.


If you require accessibility assistance in completing the survey and would like to do so anonymously with someone over the phone, or have any other access requests, please contact research@filmtvcharity.org.uk

Sensitive content

A section of the survey will offer you the opportunity to respond to questions on suicide and self harm. These questions are entirely optional and you will be given the option to skip them entirely. If you would like any support regarding issues raised through this survey, the Film and TV Charity’s Support Line can be contacted for free 24/7 on 0800 054 0000.

Industry attitudes and culture - part 1

To what extent do you agree with the following statements:

Industry attitudes and culture - part 2

Select all that apply

Thinking about your current or most recent work in the industry, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Mental health, loneliness and wellbeing tracking measures - part 1

The next few questions ask about your mental health and wellbeing. Please note that there are a number of established ways of measuring this in surveys. To allow us to benchmark the film, TV and cinema industry against other sectors we have included a few different measures of mental health and wellbeing in this section.

Using the dropdown options available, please select the one that best describes your experience of each of the following over the last 2 weeks

Mental health, loneliness and wellbeing tracking measures - part 2

How often do you...

Please answer the following questions on a scale of 0-10, where '0' is not at all and '10' is completely

Mental health, loneliness and wellbeing tracking measures - part 2

To what extent does your work in the industry positively or negatively affect the following?

Select all that apply

Reporting mental health issues at work

Select all that apply

Select one option only

Supporting own mental health

Some activities are thought to help people improve and manage mental wellbeing. Thinking about an average week for you over the past month, how often have you been able to do the following?

Please select one option only

Self-harm and suicidal thoughts

Please Note: The following questions are about suicide, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. We're asking these questions to understand more about the particular experiences of people working in the film, TV and cinema industry. They are completely optional, and if you would prefer you can skip to the next section.

Support available

Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year, for anyone who is struggling to cope. You can call Samaritans for free from any phone on 116 123, email them at jo@samaritans.org or visit the Samaritans website to find details of your nearest branch.

At any point over the past 12 months, have you:
Yes No Prefer not to say
At any point before the past 12 months, have you:
Yes No Prefer not to say

Working practices - part 1

Select all that apply
Thinking about your current or most recent work in the industry, were you...

Select all that apply

Working practices - part 2

Select all that apply

Are you aware of, or have used, any of the following services offered by the Film and TV Charity?

Select one option only

Industry capability

Select all that apply

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select all that apply

Select one option only.
Please note: if you have had multiple employers or workplaces, please answer based on your "typical" experience. If you are employed by a company which is contracted by a larger organisation (e.g. a broadcaster) please answer based on the company that directly contracts you.

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination - part 1

The next few questions ask about instances of bullying, harassment, or discrimination you may have experienced or witnessed whilst working in the film, TV, and cinema industry. Please remember that all responses are collected on an anonymous and confidential basis.


  • Bullying is any unwanted behaviour occurring in (or associated with) the workplace that makes someone feel intimidated, humiliated or offended.
  • Harassment is any bullying behaviour that is related to a protected characteristic (including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation).
  • Discrimination is when somebody is treated less favourably than others because of a protected characteristic (including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation), and there is no legitimate aim or proportionate reason for doing so.

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination - part 2

Select all that apply

Select one option only

Please note that this question is optional

Select all that apply

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination - part 3


  • Bullying is any unwanted behaviour occurring in (or associated with) the workplace that makes someone feel intimidatedhumiliated or offended.
  • Harassment is any bullying behaviour that is related to a protected characteristic (including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation).
  • Discrimination is when somebody is treated less favourably than others because of a protected characteristic (including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation), and there is no legitimate aim or proportionate reason for doing so.

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination - part 4

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select all that apply

Thinking about your current or most recent work in the industry, to what extent do you agree with the following statements?

You and your work - part 1

In this section you will be asked about the areas of the film, TV and cinema industries that you usually work in. We appreciate that you may work across more than one of these areas and that some of these areas intersect. However, at each question please select just one option based on the industry area that you most strongly identify with and/or accounts for most of your recent work. If answering on this basis is not possible for you, please answer based on your most recent job.

Select one option only

Select one option only.

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

What is your job role?

Please select the job role which most closely applies to you. If a relevant job role for you is not listed, you can use the ‘other write in’ option at the bottom of the list.

You and your work - part 2

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

About you

Nearly there - you've almost finished the survey!

The final few questions are about you. Collecting this information allows us to make sure we're reaching a representative group through this study and to understand the experiences of people with similar characteristics.

All information is collected anonymously and confidentially. There is a "prefer not to say" option at each question which you can select if you do not want to answer any of them.

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Ethnic group/background

Select one option only. If more than one of the options applies to you, please select the 'mixed or multiple ethnic groups' option. Follow-up questions will allow you to provide more detail.

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

If you would prefer to not answer this question, please leave blank.

Select all that apply

If you would prefer to not answer this question, please leave blank.


Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select one option only

Select all that apply

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Select one option only

Thank you!

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to our survey. It is very much appreciated.

Please note: this is for the purposes of better understanding factors impacting wellbeing at work and we have no way to respond to individual comments. If you would like to talk to someone about a specific issue, or if you need support, please contact our free and confidential 24/7 Support Line on 0800 054 0000.